About CRI
Many people often ask me what is LED bulb CRI and why should I choose high CRI LED bulb?
People often use lamps in their homes, but they don’t know much about the terms of lamps.So when choosing the led light, for some parameters do not require too much, but the other is very irresponsible for yourself.
Now this article will talk briefly about CRI.
First know what LED BULB CRI is!
CRI is the abbreviation of Color Rendering Index, which refers to the Color Rendering Index. The concept of CRI was introduced, and the standard light source was used to set its Color Rendering Index as 100, while the rest of the light sources had a Color Rendering Index less than 100.The color rendering index is expressed by Ra. The greater the value of Ra, the better the color rendering of the light source;Ra is the color rendering index (expressed by Ra, the greater the value of Ra, the better the color rendering of the light source).
2020 best selling indoor bulbs need to meet a CRI of 80 or above. The color rendering index (CRI) is measured as a number between 0 and 100. At zero (0), all colors look the same. A CRI of 100 shows the true colors of the object. Incandescent and halogen light sources have a CRI of 100. Typically, light sources with a CRI of 80 to 90 are viewed as a good and those with a CRI of 90+ are excellent! The general rule is: The higher the CRI, the better the color rendering capacity. No one wants to buy a light bulb with a low CRI, because it will affect the true color of the object.When choosing bulb , would rather spend a few more money, also want to buy a bit better bulb, such ability has a more comfortable living environment.
So why choose high CRI led bulb?This is why the light quality of a museum must be above CRI95, because the color rendering of a CRI95 or above can restore the purity, saturation and clarity of the color, which can truly present the exquisite details and brilliant colors of precious cultural relics and works of art.It can be easily seen by comparing the two pictures below.